Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
February 4, 2011

Sherwood Forest Neighborhood General Meeting
The regularly scheduled SFNA general meeting will be held Tuesday, February 8 at 6:30pm at the Sherwood Forest ARP Church. There will be a neighborhood Meet & Greet at 6pm.

Officer Tim Baire, CPD, will come to speak to us about issues in our neighborhood and the new PACE program (Proactive Community Enforcement).

Other proposed agenda items include:
  • Treasurer's report (Rhett)
  • Vote in new Vice President (have one nomination - Glen Matthews)
  • Membership drive progress (Melanie Johnson)
  • Recruiting and training of Block Captains (Lewis)
  • Potential city and county grant money and possible uses (Larry)
  • Social events update (Ashley)
  • Arboretum update (Val)
  • Other committee reports (Committee chairs)
If you have a topic or concern you would like to discuss, email Ed Tilden at

SFNA Twelfth Night Adult Party
The Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association's post holiday 'Twelfth Night' adult party graciously hosted by Regina Monteith at Bloomwood (530 Kilbourne Road), the 1920's Belser home was a great success! Thanks go to Regina, Ashley and others who worked behind the scenes, and to everyone who brought food.

Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association Facebook Page
The Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association has set up a Facebook page as another way of sharing news about the neighborhood and adding to our sense of community!

Log on to Facebook and 'like' SFNA at

You may also wish to sign up for the Nixle notification service which provides email and cell phone text message alerts concerning urgent messages or emergency information from the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association and other agencies. This service is free. Sign up by accessing or This service also interfaces with Twitter where you can follow the SFNA at

SFNA Membership Drive 2011
The Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association is conducting a membership drive for 2011. Our dues are $20 per calendar year so now is the time to sign up for 2011! Our Block Captains and other volunteers will be knocking on doors, getting basic contact information and email addresses to facilitate keeping you up to date, and asking you to join the SFNA for $20 for 2011! We'll also be distributing a packet with car identification stickers, neighborhood association information, important contact information and emergency numbers.

What does the neighborhood association do? See for a list of some of our accomplishments over the past few years thanks to our members and volunteers. The more folks we get to join the SFNA and get involved, the more activities, benefits and 'neighborliness' there will be in Sherwood Forest!

For more information or to volunteer for the membership drive, contact SFNA's Membership Committee Chairperson Melanie Johnson, 227 Kalmia Drive, 546-6148,

Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so the $20 per year dues are tax deductible! You can fill out the survey and pay your dues online using PayPal with your credit card or bank account. Renewing members need not fill out the survey. Or you can download, print and fill out the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Survey and mail the form and your payment to our treasurer Rhett Bailey at 511 Kalmia Drive, Columbia, SC 29205.

Why should you join the SFNA?

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Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2010 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.