Hear ye, hear ye, here is your
February 13, 2012
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood General Meeting
The next general meeting of the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association has been rescheduled from Tuesday, February 14 to Tuesday, February 21 to avoid conflicts with Valentines Day. The meeting will be held at the Sherwood Forest Presbyterian Church on the corner of Wilmot Avenue and Beltline Boulevard. Socialize with your neighbors from 6–6:30pm. The general meeting will be from 6:30-8:00pm. Submit agenda items or topics of discussion to the association president, Ed Tilden at president@sherwoodforestneighbors.org.
Meet the Candidates for the District Three Council Member seat!
Three of the four candidates for the District Three Council seat will be present to address the attendees and answer questions - Jenny Isgett, Moe Baddourah, and Michael Miller. Daniel Coble is not available that date, but already spoke to our group last meeting. Each candidate will have time to address the group, and then we will have a moderated Q&A session. This is your chance to get involved in the election process and make a difference!
Come and meet the candidates, and join us at 6pm to socialize with your neighbors before the meeting.
Also present at the meeting will be our neighborhood police officer, Nick Scott, to update us on crime and crime prevention in our neighborhood.
Volunteers Needed to help our neighborhood!
If you desire to contribute to our neighborhood association's success we need you to volunteer for one of our recently open officer and committee chair positions. We need a new Vice President and an new Membership Chair (Glen & Melanie Matthews are moving away), and we need a new Secretary. These positions are critical for our association, but the work involved is not that demanding.
Anyone who is interested in serving in one of these positions please contact the President, Ed Tilden, at president@sherwoodforestneighbors.org or by phone at 530-2436.
Our current officers and committee chair persons are listed at http://www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org/Article350.html
SFNA has several openings for block captains and co-captains. Block captains are the backbone of our organization, so please consider volunteering. For a map of our zones and current block captains, see http://www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org/html/pages/blockcaptainsmap.html
Twelfth Night Party January 6th
Our annual Twelfth Night Party was again a great success! SFNA thanks Regina Monteith for hosting and a host of neighbors for their support! Stay tuned for information about upcoming SFNA events.
Neighborhood Crime Watch
The City of Columbia Police Department has released a composite sketch of man accused of indecent exposure in the Shandon area at https://local.nixle.com/alert/4782563/?sub_id=109246. Chief Scott encourages citizens who may recognize the individual in the composite sketch to call, text or submit online, their anonymous tip to Crimestoppers in any of the following ways:
- CALL toll-free, 888-CRIME-SC.
- TEXT to CRIMES (274637), and mark the beginning of the message with "TIPSC,” followed by the tip information.
- LOG onto: www.midlandscrimestoppers.com, and click on the red "Submit a tip” tab.
If you have experienced a crime perpetrated against you or your property, report it immediately to the police by calling 911. To report suspicious activity, call 911 or the non-emergency number 252-2911 or our new Resident Patrol Officer MPO Nick Scott (394-0960, niscott@columbiasc.net).
Sherwood Forest wants you to join Nixle and get real time updates from SFNA, police and other public safety agencies by text message or email. Sign up by accessing http://local.nixle.com/register/neighbor/12756/2d07d6a9340367fdcbbe24d491d35059/?ct=html or http://www.nixle.com
Telephone Book Recycling
As the new 2012 phone books are being delivered, Keep the Midlands Beautiful encourages Midlands residents to bring last year’s phone books to any of the Midlands-area drop-off sites to be recycled. Sponsored by AT&T Real Yellow Pages and Sonoco Recycling. Telephone books can be recycled from February 15 to March 31, 2012 at 23 drop-off locations around the Midlands (all sites are open 24 hours unless otherwise noted) http://www.keepthemidlandsbeautiful.org/Calendar/phonebookrecycling2012.asp
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association Facebook Page
The Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association has set up a Facebook page as another way of sharing news about the neighborhood and adding to our sense of community. For some reason, we only have 41 Facebook people who like us! So log on to Facebook and 'like' SFNA at http://www.facebook.com/sherwoodforestna
Advertise with a Banner Ad on the SFNA Web Site
Advertise your business on the Sherwood Forest web site to attract traffic to your web site and your business from interested propects not only from the Sherwood Forest neighborhood but also from across the Columbia metropolitan area and beyond! Contact Lewis Kirk at webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org or call 787-3450. Only $25 a year for neighbors! $50 for everybody else.
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so the $20 per year dues are tax deductible!
Why should you join the SFNA? http://www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org/Article326.html
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Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2012 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved. |