APRIL 29, 2009
Mayor Coble's Swine Flu Update
Representatives of the City, Department of Health and Environmental Control and Dr. Helmut Albrecht of the University of South Carolina held a briefing at City Hall Tuesday to answer questions related to swine flu. In addition, the city's chief of Homeland Security, Harold Reeves, also released and shared the city's pandemic influenza plan.
We do not want to cause alarm but we must be prepared. The City website has the most commonly asked questions about the disease and tips from DHEC on how to prevent the spread of flu. Columbia's Pandemic Influenza Plan is available online at the link below. Additionally, Channel 2 will start running a fifteen minute DHEC video today on health tips to protect yourself from the flu virus.
Commonly asked questions about swine flu - http://www.columbiasc.net/depts/public_relations/downloads/swine flu FAQs.doc
City of Columbia working Pandemic Influenza Plan - http://www.columbiasc.net/depts/public_relations/downloads/working Cola Pandemic Flu Plan.doc
SC Department of Health and Environmental Control - http://www.scdhec.gov/flu/swine-flu.htm
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu
The most important thing is to use common sense in preventing the spread of swine flu. If you believe you are coming down with symptoms identified in these documents, go to a medical professional immediately. Also, avoid attending large gatherings and/or work if you truly believe you are developing such symptoms. It usually takes 48-72 hours for these flu symptoms to develop, and many have said you will "feel like you've been hit by a truck." It's also been stressed to WASH YOUR HANDS as much as possible, especially if you are in an environment dealing with the public or at events with large gatherings.
So far, the only "probable" documented cases of swine flu in South Carolina have been the highly-publicized students from Newberry who were down in Mexico. These cases have not yet officially been classified as actual swine flu cases, but we need to be pro-active rather than re-active.
It's very important not to over-react to the developing situation. Be cautious and vigilant and share information whenever and wherever possible. However, as of this hour, we don't need to all rush out and buy space suits and surgical masks either. We all just simply need to use some basic common sense skills and not overreact to the situation.
Please share this information with all members of your family to ensure they know the dangers and best responses.
I will keep you posted. Thanks.
Bob Coble
City of Columbia
Read this article online at http://www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org/Article235.html
SFNA General Meeting May 12
The next General Meeting of the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Assocation is scheduled for Tuesday, May 12 at 6:30pm at the Sherwood Forest ARP Church. There will be a neighborhood Meet & Greet at 6pm. Contact Ed Tilden at president@sherwoodforestneighbors.org if you have issues or concerns to add to the agenda. Please mark your calendars!
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
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