Hear ye, hear ye,
Here is your
September 1, 2017 |
Mark Your Calendars!
SFNA Annual Halloween Hot Dog Party
Tuesday, October 31 5:30-7:30 on Kalmia!
The Halloween party is a favorite neighborhood event for the kids and the young at heart. On October 31 5:30-7:30 on Kalmia dress up your kids, pets or significant other and come out to be neighborly! We will provide hotdogs, chili and chips. Neighbors can bring sides or desserts. BYOB.
Then the kids can trick or treat in Sherwood Forest!
Contact our new Social Committee chair Megan Harrington at 252-904-4721 or social@sherwoodvorestneighbors.org for more into or to volunteer for this event or others.
USC Belser Arboretum Open House
Sunday, September 17, 1-4pm
The public is invited to an open house at the W. Gordon Belser Arboretum Sunday, September 17 from 1 until 4pm. The open house program is held the third Sunday of every month, and features a variety of learning elements in these events.
Contact Gail Wojtowicz at 618 402-8736 or by email or see USC's Department of Biological Sciences W. Gordon Belser Arboretum web page for more information.
Food Truck Rodeo
Saturday, September 30, 5-8pm
Sherwood Forest Presbyterian Church
Come out and enjoy a variety of great food and a fun family atmosphere without ever leaving the neighborhood. Musician Shane Dial will provide entertainment.
More info to come.
How to attract wildlife from mice to coyotes to the neighborhood!
We've noticed around the neighborhood that a number of folks are leaving pet food outside. This attracts wildlife and feral cats and dogs. If you are going to feed your pets outdoors, the recommendation is to feed at certain times each day and remove any uneaten food promptly. Don't feed strays unless you plan to trap them and have them spayed or neutered and vaccinated. Unsecured bags or containers of pet food, trash and garbage that contains food scraps, and open compost piles or compost containers may also attract wildlife.
We're talking about mice, rats, possums, raccoons, foxes, feral cats and dogs, and even coyotes! Some of these animals may carry disease that can be passed to you or your pets. Larger predators may injure or kill your pets.
City of Columbia Municipal Election November 7, 2017
The contested races in our neighborhood are for Mayor and an At-Large Council Member.
The deadline to file to run is noon on Friday, September 8, 2017. The registration deadline to vote in the Tuesday, November 7 Municipal Election is Saturday, October 7, 2017.
Sherwood Forest is divided between two voting districts: Precinct Ward 14 and Precinct Ward 17.
Ward 14 includes the south side of Duncan Street to Kalmia, the west side of Kalmia south to Mimosa, and the south side of Mimosa to Beltline.
SC Senate District 20
Polling Precinct Ward 14 – Polling Location – Sims Park, 3500 Duncan Street
Ward 17 includes the north side of Duncan to Kalmia, the east side of Kalmia to Mimosa, the north side of Mimosa to Beltline.
SC Senate District 21
Polling Precinct Ward 17 – Polling Location – Brennen Elementary School, 4438 Devereaux Road
Political districts common to both: US Congressional District 2, SC House District 75, Richland County Council District 6, School District 13, City Council District 3
City of Columbia election information...
SFNA General Meeting
Tuesday, November 14, 6:30pm-8pm
The next general meeting of the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association is scheduled for Tuesday, November 14 from 6:30pm-8pm at the Sherwood Forest Presbyterian Church on the corner of Wilmot Avenue and Beltline Boulevard.
If you have any questions or concerns, or ideas for speakers, please let us know!
Crier emails
We are making an effort to send out these informational emails around the first of every month to keep neighbors up do date on neighborhood events, and other events and information of interest. It's cheaper and better for the environment not to print and pass out fliers! But we could all probably use the exercise!
If you have information of interest to the neighborhood, please pass it along and we may include it in a future Crier.
Tell your friends and neighbors to subscribe. No membership required, but of course we would like everybody to join! New neighbor? Let us know and we'll send out the welcome wagon.
To subscribe, email membership@sherwoodforestneighbors.org or subscribe online
Join the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
Dues are only $20 and are due in January. Pay your dues now online Or pay at the next general meeting or mail a check to Henry Nechemias, 4 Robin Hood Ct., Columbia, SC 29205 and you will be paid up for 2017!
Why should you join the SFNA? Benefits of the SFNA...
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If you no longer wish to receive email correspondence from SFNA, please email webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org
Please add webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org to your approved sender list in whatever email client or system you are using to make sure you are able to receive email communications from the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association!
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Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2017 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved. |