SEPTEMBER 16, 2008
USC Belser Arboretum Open House, Sunday, September 21
The September Open House will be held on Sunday, September 21 from 1-4pm. Featured new facilities will be the first stage of our Outdoor Classroom. The small amphitheater adjacent to the actual Classroom is created from railroad ties and log seats made from heart of longleaf pine. Two handsome fallen logs, each 100 feet long will be used to make the log seats in the amphitheater. These unusual "fat wood" logs are saturated by turpentine-rich sap and are almost impervious to any kind of fungal or insect damage. The remainder of the logs will be used in the construction of our adjacent Materials Supply Depot.
Our regular workshop at at 2pm will turn from the theme of Green Initiatives to a whimsical topic Echoes of the Arboretum's Past. On display will be some of the many interesting objects rescued during the brush clearing operations, plus prints of some of the exquisite flower paintings of Elizabeth Belser Fuller, eldest daughter of W. Gordon Belser. She has just celebrated her 98th birthday. Some of the paintings were made in the Arboretum. We will also continue our Arboretum Endowment campaign with a Gift-of-a-Plant: a lovely blooming plant for any contribution of $20.00 or more to the Endowment Fund. The Plant for September is the longtime favorite Purple Cone Flower or Brown-Eyed Susan. Both of these are blooming size perennials which will increase in size and beauty in the coming years. More information on opportunities for giving to the Endowment is available at http://www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org/Article201.html.
The last harvest of the summer season will be made during the Open House. Visitors to the Open House can eat or take home eggplant, tomatoes, raspberries and watermelon. Enjoy!
USC Belser Arboretum All-Neighborhood Work Day
In preparation for the Sunday September 21th Arboretum Open House, the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood will host a gardens work day, Saturday, September 20th. The main goal will be to clean up the exterior CANDO gardens, but we may also work inside the Arboretum, depending on need. Once again, we will meet 8am and work until 11:30am with light refreshments provided. I encourage all to come out and join in the fun and work. We've had good crews that last couple of times, and continue to have different people coming out. Thanks in advance for helping to keep the neighborhood beautiful! Call or email Valerie Marcil (738-0682, 331-1138, vallg29205@gmail.com) for more information, or just show up!
A Message from Anne Sinclair
Our former City Council representative sent us this note for the neighborhood and we are finally passing it along!
"Dear Sherwood Forest Neighborhood,
Thank you for the opportunity to represent you on city council for the past twenty years. I have been honored to serve you.
As I reflect on my service, particularly for your area, I am reminded about the ongoing relationship between your neighborhood and the improved development along Rosewood Drive and Beltline Boulevard.
You have a wonderful neighborhood and I am hopeful that the commercial corridors continue to complement your area. I am continuing to work on your traffic calming concerns and I'm sure that Belinda will keep the ball rolling.
Thank you again for all you have done to support me during this time!
Anne Sinclair"
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for the upcoming Halloween Hot Dog Supper Friday, October 31; and an Adult Party in January 2009. More info to come.
School Board Candidates Forum
A forum for the candidates for the Richland County School District 1 Board will be held at 6:30pm on Thursday, October 16,at the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church at 2501 Heyward Street. This event is sponsored by Edisto Court Community Organization, Hollywood-Rose Hill Neighborhood Association, Rosewood Community Council, Shandon Neighborhood Council, Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, and the Wales Garden Neighborhood Association.
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
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