Hear ye, hear ye,
Here is your
October 1, 2020
Not So Happy Halloween!
One of the neighborhood's favorite annual events the
Halloween Hot Dog Party will be postponed to 2021! Trick or treating is not recommended.
We hope everyone is
staying safe,
maintaining recommended practices, and being a
good Sherwood Forest neighbor.
SFNA General Meeting
Tuesday, November 10, 6:30pm-8pm
This general meeting is
tentative depending on circumstances.
We are considering having a
Zoom meeting. Would you be interested in
virtually attending a neighborhood general meeting? Email us or use the poll on our Facebook private group.
If you have
questions, answers, requests, offers or comments about the neighborhood, you can join the discussion in our
SFNA private group on Facebook at
Only your neighbors can see who's in the group and what is posted.
City of Columbia CRT Officer Report
The South Region CRT (Community Response Team) Officer
Mason L. Frier is the Sherwood Forest neighborhood contact at the Columbia Police Department. In normal times, he attends our quarterly general meetings. Here is his current update:
"We’ve seen an uptick in the ongoing problem of large house parties, which is an overcrowding issue in regards to COVID-19, and with unnecessary noise issues as well. We’ve been documenting all large parties, and working with Code Enforcement for issuing citations, and assessing points in relation to our Landlord Responsibility Act.
If anyone has this issue, please call 252-2911 and we will have an officer come out!"
Report a
personal or property crime immediately to the City of Columbia Police by calling
911. To report suspicious activity, call 911 or the
non-emergency number 252-2911 or our CRT (Crime Response Team) Officer Mason L. Frier at 803 391-6203 or
mlfrier@columbiasc.net. Then alert your neighbors!
City of Columbia Police Department website
Apply to Vote Absentee Now for the November Election
The Richland County Voter Registration & Elections Office is accepting
absentee ballot applications for the November 3 general election.
As of September 16, the qualifications for voting by absentee ballot now include
State of Emergency as was the case for the June primary election which allows
any registered voter to vote absentee by reason of the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency declaration.
As of September 24, absentee voters must have their
signatures on ballot return envelopes
witnessed after the United States Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an order reversing a lower court’s ruling. This requirement may still be subject to change by the courts; however, it's recommended to have a
witness sign your
absentee ballot envelope regardless to ensure it will be counted.
Absentee ballots can be requested by phone at
803 576-2240, by mail at
PO Box 192, Columbia SC 29202, by email at
absenteeballots@richlandcountysc.gov or download from
South Carolina law requires you to register to vote at least 30 days prior to the election.
Absentee Voting Information for
November 3, 2020...
Neighborhood Piggly Wiggly News
As all may be aware, there are news reports about our neighborhood Piggly Wiggly (known as the Social Pig) being replaced by a Lidl discount grocery.
At today's (October 1)
City of Columbia Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, a request for a
special exception to establish a
liquor store inside the current Piggly Wiggly building is on the agenda. Lidl operates liquor stores in tandem with the grocery operation.
The case summary for the request is available
Participate in the discussion in the SFNA
private group on Facebook.
UofSC Belser Arboretum Open House
Sunday, October 18, 1-4pm
The monthly
Arboretum Open House is back!
SC Native Plant Week in October! Prof.
Nathan Senner will offer a program on
Social distancing and face coverings are strongly recommended. No pets!
Gail Wojtowicz at
618 402-8736 or
by email or see UofSC's Department of Biological Sciences
W. Gordon Belser Arboretum web page.
Check event specifics and sign up for the newsletter on
SFNA Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up
Saturday, November 21
This event is tentative depending on circumstances. Feel free to freelance in the neantime!
Please contact
Dave Nelson at
803 447-4793 or
appearance@sherwoodforestneighbors.org for information or any questions.
Help a UofSC Student!
Holly Floyd is a UofSC Master's student in the Public History department. Her thesis topic involves the
Original Frogtown community. She would like to interview individuals connected to or information about the community and the relationship to Sherwood Forest. Contact her via
email or by phone at (843) 260-8698.
Crier emails
We are making an effort to send out these informational emails around the first of every month to keep neighbors up do date on neighborhood events, and other events and information of interest. It's cheaper and better for the environment not to print and pass out fliers! But we could all probably use the exercise!
If you have information of interest to the neighborhood, please pass it along and we may include it in a future Crier.
Tell your friends and neighbors to subscribe. No membership required, but of course we would like everybody to join! New neighbor? Let us know and we'll send out the welcome wagon.
To subscribe, email membership@sherwoodforestneighbors.org or subscribe online
Join the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
Become a member or renew your membership now for 2020!
Dues are only $20 and are due in January. Pay your dues now online. Or pay at the next general meeting or mail a check to Henry Nechemias, 4 Robin Hood Ct., Columbia, SC 29205 and you will be paid up for 2020!
Why should you join the SFNA? Benefits of the SFNA...
You're receiving this email because of your interest in the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association.
If you no longer wish to receive email correspondence from SFNA, please email webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org
Please add webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org to your approved sender list in whatever email client or system you are using to make sure you are able to receive email communications from the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association!
SFNA Facebook Page | SFNA Facebook Group | SFNA Nextdoor | SFNA Twitter
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2020 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.