Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
OCTOBER 9, 2008

USC Belser Arboretum Work Days This Weekend
Pat DeCoursey has put out a call for help for this coming weekend (October 11 and 12) to raise the roof on the new permanent outdoor classroom in the Arboretum. She says she needs 4 or 5 strong people to help lift roof trusses around midday on Saturday, and then some roofers for later Saturday or Sunday. This is "Habitat"-type work - no real skills needed, just some willingness and strength. The roof raising shouldn't take long and that is the most critical need. Please pass the word and see if we can get a good crew.

This is an exciting step forward in the Arboretum!

Please contact Valerie Marcil (738-0682, 331-1138, for more information. The plan is for around noon on Saturday, but if you want to be on stand-by and wait for a call, that would be fine, too. Please let me know and give me phone numbers where you can be reached. If I don't hear from you, you may get a call from me!

SFNA Halloween Picnic October 31
The goblins are haunting
The monsters will mash,
It's time to get ready for
Our neighborhood Halloween Bash!

Bring your own beverages and blanket or chairs. Hot dogs and chips provided courtesy of the Devine Street Piggly Wiggly.

Friday, October 31st, 5pm until dark at Ashley and Erik Norton's Haunted House, 321 Kalmia Drive.

Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for the upcoming General Meeting Tuesday, November 11; and an Adult Party in January 2009. More info to come.

School Board Candidates Forum
A forum for the candidates for the Richland County School District 1 Board will be held at 6:30pm on Thursday, October 16, at the Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church at 2501 Heyward Street. This event is sponsored by Edisto Court Community Organization, Hollywood-Rose Hill Neighborhood Association, Rosewood Community Council, Shandon Neighborhood Council, Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, and the Wales Garden Neighborhood Association.

Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2008 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.