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Hear ye, hear ye, [FullName]! Here is your
SFNA Halloween Hot Dog Picnic October 31
The goblins are haunting
The monsters will mash,
It's time to get ready for
Our neighborhood Halloween Bash!
Bring your own beverages and blanket or chairs. Hot dogs and chips provided courtesy of the Devine Street Piggly Wiggly. Neighbors will be supplying chili and other items.
Drop by Friday, October 31st, 5pm until dark at Ashley and Erik Norton's Haunted House, 321 Kalmia Drive, before you head out trick or treating!
Please RSVP to Ashley at or call 799-7904.

Remember to Vote Tuesday, November 4!
Sherwood Forest is divided between two voting precincts: Ward 14 and Ward 17. In addition to the presidential election, there are US and state congressional races, county elections and state constitutional amemdments.
Voting information including links to candidate web sites and sample ballots is available at
Interim Measures for Community Character Protection
Sherwood Forest has been approved for interim protection from removals, demolitions and lot subdivisions for 2 years. We must now consider how to proceed. Options include seeking historic designation, working to change overall zoning rules, setting up zoning overlays in certain areas of the neighborhood, no restrictions, or other measures. City experts will make a presentation on our options at the February general meeting.
In the mean time, you can express your opinion and offer comments in a poll at
Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for the upcoming General Meeting Tuesday, November 11. Meet and greet your neighbors at 6pm with the meeting starting at 6:30pm. An Adult Party is scheduled for January 2009. More info to come.
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2008 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved. |