Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association Crier December 1, 2020
Hear ye, hear ye,
Here is your

December 1, 2020

Inspirational Holiday COVID Message!

I feel a bit guilty for eagerly anticipating the end of 2020. It has been a year for the record books - most of them are not records we wanted to break. I am having to make myself slow down in order to not miss the blessings that were and continue to be hidden in this crazy year. As a neighborhood, we can do the same. I think that this past year has brought many of us closer as we spent more time at home and therefore we got to see more of our immediate neighbors. Relationships were strengthened and many of us even got some of those nagging house projects taken care of!

So, if I am supposed to be 'inspirational' - let me say this: 'Let's all finish the year strong'. No matter what your holiday tradition. I think that doing good to your neighbor is in there somewhere. Many people are hurting and exhausted from the weight of this year. Keep an eye out for your neighbor. They might need a kind word or to simply see your holiday decorations bringing joy to the street. Finish strong and be the neighbor we all need. Kindness indeed, WINS.

Mark Hering
President SFNA

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has extensive information on measures to take to reduce or avoid virus spread risk during the holidays including gatherings, celebrations and travel on the CDC website.
Wilmot Pavement Repair
SFNA has been inquiring about the pavement repairs needed in the 3800 block of Wilmot Avenue. This issue was originally caused by a City of Columbia water supply leak under the street back in late 2019 which was repaired in early 2020. The City has informed us that a work order has been issued. We will follow up on this issue!

For utility billing inquiries, or concerns or questions for the City (which will be directed to the appropriate Department), contact City of Columbia Customer Care at any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Columbia-Richland Fire Department Cold Weather Tips
Firefighters Asking Citizens to be Attentive to Heating Sources as Colder Weather Sets In

The arrival of colder temperatures to the Midlands will have many people reaching for their space heaters and thermostats looking to get some warmth.

That being said, the Columbia-Richland Fire Department wants to remind everyone to exercise CAREFUL attention both before you crank the heat on and while any heating equipment is running in your home or workplace.

Read more specific tips on the City of Columbia website
UofSC Belser Arboretum Open House
Sunday, December 20, 1-4pm

Enjoy the holidays in the urban forest. Maintain 6' distance from other groups. Face coverings are strongly recommended. No pets please.

Gates are again open on most Wednesdays 9:30am-1pm.

Check event specifics and sign up for the newsletter on Facebook.

Contact Gail Wojtowicz at 618 402-8736 or by email or see UofSC's Department of Biological Sciences W. Gordon Belser Arboretum web page.

Annual Twelfth Night Adult Post Holiday Party
A favorite neighborhood event has been canceled for this holiday season! Stay safe at home with your families and maybe we can look forward to next year.
SFNA General Meeting
Tuesday, February 9, 6:30pm-8pm
This general meeting is tentative.

The SFNA general meetings are held quarterly on the second Tuesday of the second month of the quarter.

If you have questions, answers, requests, offers or comments about the neighborhood, you can join the discussion in our SFNA private group on Facebook at

Only your neighbors can see who's in the group and what is posted.
SFNA Adopt-A-Highway Clean Up
Saturday, February 20
The clean up is tentative. Feel free to freelance in the neantime!

Please contact Dave Nelson at 803 447-4793 or for information or any questions.
Crier emails
We are making an effort to send out these informational emails around the first of every month to keep neighbors up do date on neighborhood events, and other events and information of interest. It's cheaper and better for the environment not to print and pass out fliers! But we could all probably use the exercise!

If you have information of interest to the neighborhood, please pass it along and we may include it in a future Crier.

Tell your friends and neighbors to subscribe. No membership required, but of course we would like everybody to join! New neighbor? Let us know and we'll send out the welcome wagon.

To subscribe, email or subscribe online

Join the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
Become a member or renew your membership now for 2021!
Dues are only $20 and are due in January. Pay your dues now online. Or pay at the next general meeting or mail a check to Henry Nechemias, 4 Robin Hood Ct., Columbia, SC 29205 and you will be paid up for 2021!

Why should you join the SFNA? Benefits of the SFNA.

SFNA Facebook Page | SFNA Facebook Group | SFNA Nextdoor | SFNA Twitter
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2020 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved.