Hear ye, hear ye! Here is your
NOVEMBER 8, 2007
Adopt-A-Street Trash Pickup
On Saturday, November 10th the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association will be picking up trash and cleaning up our neighborhood. Everyone is invited to help. We will meet at Brad Painter's home at 320 Kalmia Drive for coffee and doughnuts at 9am. At that time we will hand out trash bags and safety vests, and then clean up afterwards. It shouldn't take more than 2-3 hours. Please come help if you can. This event is part of the Adopt-A-Street program of the City of Columbia. More information about the Adopt-A-Street program is available on the Keep The Midlands Beautiful web site. SFNA's event was re-scheduled for November 10 due to scheduling conflicts.
General Meeting November 13
The next general meeting will be Tuesday, November 13th at 6pm at the Sherwood Forest ARP Church. We will be having the elections for our executive officers, who will be serving two year terms. The proposed slate is Larry Hembree, President; Ed Tilden, Vice President; Cari Pulliam, Secretary; and Rhett Bailey, Treasurer. Also, there can be nominees from the floor. Only paid up registered members of the SFNA can vote in the officers election.
We will also be voting on whether to seek protection under the Interim Measures For Community Character Protection as implemented by City Council on September 19th. All residents of the neighborhood have a vote on this question.
More information is available on the SFNA website at www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org/Article125.html
USC Belser Arboretum Open House
SFNA and USC will host an Open House for the USC Belser Arboretum on Sunday, November 18th from 1-4pm. This is our regularly scheduled Open House on the third Sunday of the month. Maybe we'll have a little Fall color to enjoy!
In part as a result of our efforts to support the Arboretum, the Educational Foundation at USC has set up two accounts, a "spendable" account for immediate expenses and a long-term endowment account. SFNA prefers that gifts be directed to the Endowment Account to insure that the Arboretum remains an asset to our neighborhood.
Spendable Account: #1A3769: "W. Gordon Belser Arboretum"
Endowed Account: #811336: "The W. Gordon Belser Arboretum Endowment Fund"
Contact Mr. Christopher R. DeWolf, Sr. Director of Development, College of Arts and Sciences, Gambrell Hall, Suite 257B, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208. Phone (803) 576-5819, Fax (803) 777-4532, cdewolf@sc.edu
Come and take a stroll through our neighborhood's oasis in the city! Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. No pets are allowed. Please consider walking to the Arboretum as parking is limited.
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
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