NOVEMBER 14, 2009
Adopt-A-Street Trash Pickup
On Saturday, November 21 the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association will be picking up trash and cleaning up our neighborhood. We will meet at Brad Painter's home at 320 Kalmia Drive for coffee and doughnuts at 9am. At that time we will hand out trash bags and safety vests, and then clean up afterwards. This event is part of the Adopt-A-Street program of the City of Columbia. More information about the Adopt-A-Street program is available on the Keep The Midlands Beautiful web site at http://www.keepthemidlandsbeautiful.com. Contact Brad at beauty@sherwoodforestneighbor.org for more information.
The Nixle Community Alert System
The Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Assocation has joined a new notification service called Nixle which is available on the internet. After you sign up and enter your address, you can choose to receive email or cell phone text message alerts from the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, the City of Columbia Homeland Security Department, the City of Columbia Police Department, the Columbia Fire Department, the Richland County Sheriff's Department and other agencies. This service is free. Sign up by accessing http://local.nixle.com/register/neighbor/12756/2d07d6a9340367fdcbbe24d491d35059/?ct=html or http://www.nixle.com
Halloween Hot Dog Bash A Smashing Success!
The SFNA's Annual Halloween Hot Dog Bash was a great success. Thanks go to Ashley Norton, our social chairperson, and other volunteers for hosting us. Thanks also go to Hugh McColl at The Pig on Devine for providing the hot dogs and buns. Please let him know the neighborhood appreciates his generosity! We need pictures of the costumes and neighbors for the SFNA web site. Send them to webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org
News of Interest on the Sherwood Forest web site...
Minutes from November 9 SFNA General Meeting
Long's Drugs and Long Term Care at the corner of Kilbourne and Devine is offering a Health Clinic on Tuesday, November 17 and Wednesday, November 18.
Local Voting Information: Your local elected representatives, voting locations, registration information.
The Fort Jackson Recycling Center is open to the public 24/7. Enter through the Forest Drive gate and have a Drivers License, Registration and Insurance Card.
USC Belser Arboretum Open Houses
The Department of Biological Sciences will host a November Open House at the Arboretum on November 15 from 1-4 pm. Program will be opening of the gates at 1pm, a guided walk to the new bog garden in the cypress forest at 2pm, and light refreshments at 3pm.
In addition, the Bloomwood Gate of the Arboretum will be open every Wednesday from 8am-2pm on a trial basis for visitors who wish to walk around the trail.
Join The Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association
At the August general meeting it was decided to change our current dues collection system of renewing anytime to an annual system, where everyone pays dues January 1 of each year. If you pay the membership fee of $20 now, your membership will be good for until January 2011.
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so dues are tax deductible! Please take a moment to download, print and fill out the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Survey located on the neighborhood website, www.sherwoodforestneighbors.org. Please mail the form and your payment to our treasurer Rhett Bailey at 511 Kalmia Drive, Columbia, SC 29205. You may also fill out an online version of the survey and pay your dues online using PayPal or your credit card or bank account. Renewing members need not fill out the survey.
Please add webmaster@sherwoodforestneighbors.org to your approved sender list in whatever email client or system you are using to make sure you are able to receive the Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association Crier!
Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association, Inc. Columbia, South Carolina
© Copyright 2009 Sherwood Forest Neighborhood Association. All rights reserved. |